Excellence in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

Text Box: Engineering

Pressler Engineering, provided mechanical engineering design consulting services for Pohnpei Schools including; Ventilation calculations and equipment sizing for rooms not being naturally ventilated, bathroom plumbing system design including potable and non-potable water, waste, and vent piping for Madolenihmw High School Classroom, Kolonia Elementary School Classroom, and Nanpei, Kitti High School Classroom.  For the remote classrooms Nett, Sladak, and Sapwalap a rain water collection and storage tank  were combined with a reverse osmosis  purification system to provide potable water to the restrooms in addition to the plumbing system design which included waste, vent and non-potable water.  Ventilation equipment sizing calculations for rooms not being naturally ventilated was also part of the scope of work for the three remote schools.

Pohnpei Schools